When you 're trading time for money, your income will always be limited. The first reason: There are only 24 hours in a day to devote to the .It 's one of the biggest misconceptions in our society. Time is our most important commodity, and all the money in the world cannot replace time..Time is limited; money is infinite. Time is precious and in short supply; money is abundant. It makes no sense to trade time for money; .
When you 're trading time for money, your income will always be limited. The first reason: There are only 24 hours in a day to devote to the .It 's one of the biggest misconceptions in our society. Time is our most important commodity, and all the money in the world cannot replace time.. The adage time is money never feels truer than when you 're getting paid by the hour. Long term, though, trading your time for money isn 't a .You can always make more money, but you can never get back time. And it 's easy to trade time for money but very hard to do the reverse. So we should have a .
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